
Please join us for our second webinar of the year! Karla Childers joins us from the Office of the Chief Medical Officer where her primary responsibility has been leading and coordinating various ethics-based, science and technology policy projects.

Foundations for Deploying Trustworthy AI

AI is growing and so are concerns around applied ethics in technology.

Advances in transplantation are moving rapidly including transplants of the hand, face, uterus and eye; xenografting from pigs, freezing organs and obtaining organs from the dead in novel ways. These advances in medicine and bioengineering raise a host of challenging ethical and policy issues.

Proceedings: Promising Practices in the Responsible Conduct of Research

The responsible conduct of research (RCR) is foundational to good science and engineering.

Submit Resources to the OEC

The OEC invites submissions of high-quality ethics education resources in the areas of engineering and science, including the social sciences, for review and inclusion in its collection. Resources can be submitted via the OEC Resource Submission Form. See our Resource Submission page for more information.

American Society for Engineering Education

We are in Portland! Come see us!

ASEE Special Session: Origins, Evolution, and Prospects for the Future of the Online Ethics Center (OEC)

Special Engineering Ethics Division (ETHICS)

Tue. June 25, 2024 3:15 PM to 4:45 PM

Regency Ballroom D , Hyatt Regency Portland (HQ Hotel)

Session Description

This special session will facilitate a conversation about the origins and evolution of the Online Ethics Center (OEC), and prospects for its future. For over 30 years, OEC has provided engineers, scientists, faculty, and students with resources for understanding and addressing ethically significant issues that arise in scientific and engineering practice and from the developments of science and engineering. It has served those who promote learning, and those who advance understanding of responsible research and practice in engineering, science, and social sciences. OEC owes its existence to the founding leadership of Caroline Whitbeck, who was at MIT at the time. In 2007, Whitbeck, then at Case Western Reserve, and William A. Wulf, NAE past president, transferred the OEC to the NAE. There, the OEC received three National Science Foundation grants. The first supported OEC efforts to assist individuals and institutions in complying with the America COMPETES Act requirement to provide “appropriate training and oversight in the responsible and ethical conduct of research,” achieved through the restructuring of the OEC website to facilitate searches and provide a more user-friendly interface. The second enabled the OEC to become the Online Resource Center for Ethics Education in Engineering and Science, a significant expansion to include resources for all the sciences that NSF supports. The third supported the OEC's efforts to help transform education in the responsible conduct of research, foster an ethical culture in education and practice, and become part of a comprehensive approach to improve ethical culture and integrity at US research and STEM educational institutions. In 2020, the OEC was transferred to University of Virginia, and a change of scope shifted the focus of that grant to development of Communities of Practice (CoPs). NSF’s funding will end in 2024, after which the OEC must become a self-sustaining endeavor. The session will provide an opportunity for interested parties to learn about the OEC’s strategic planning process for achieving that sustainability, to express their interests and ideas about OEC’s future, and to potentially engage in the steps needed towards realization of that vision.

Spotlight on : Scholars, Educators, and Administrators Fostering Research Integrity

Presents: Sam Oakley - Research Culture & Research Integrity at the University of Glasglow 

Research Culture and Integrity



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