Frontline: The Lost American


An article about the PBS documentary series 'Frontline', which featured Fred Cuny's life in 'The Lost American' and other supplementary material.


The PBS documentary series Frontline featured Fred Cuny's life in The Lost American PBS has an extensive web site with more information about Fred Cuny.

In 1983 Fred Cuny published Disasters and Development (Oxford University Press). It provides a set of guidelines for planning and providing disaster relief.

Frederick C. Cuny
Killing Chechnya.The New York Review of Books. April 6, 1995. pp. 15-17.
Professional Responsibility: Focusing on the Exemplary
Michael S. Pritchard, Western Michigan University. The full paper appeared in Science and Engineering Ethics. April 1998.
Compassionate Leadership
The Ethical Spectacle. January 1996.
Fred Cuny: Formulator of Fast-Track Relief
Perspectives in Health. June 1996
Anonymous. . Frontline: The Lost American. Online Ethics Center. DOI:.