Life and Environmental Science Ethics: Centers and Institutes with Online Ethics Resources


This is a collection of ethics centers which focus or have programs which focus on ethical issues and ethics research in Life and Environmental Sciences. All listed centers host online resources such as course materials, multimedia, and/or case studies.


Albany Medical College. “Albany Medical College: Alden March Bioethics Institute.” Albany Medical College, 2021.

  • "The Alden March Bioethics Institute (AMBI) of Albany Medical College offers Graduate Certificates in both clinical ethics and clinical ethics consultation, a Master of Science in Bioethics with both comprehensive and clinical ethics consultation concentrations, and a Doctorate of Professional Studies in Bioethics with concentrations in both clinical ethics consultation and health ethics and policy. AMBI is an internationally recognized leader in the growing field of bioethics. The multidisciplinary center focuses on education, research and clinical consultation. In addition to professors, physicians and other experienced clinicians affiliated with Albany Medical Center and Albany Medical College, our faculty includes professors from Albany Law School and other experts in the Capital Region community."

Center for Bioethics and Social Justice. “Welcome.” Michigan State University. ND.

  • "The Center is committed to supporting reflective practice in health care and in science, by bringing to these fields the resources of ethics and the humanities. We do this through teaching, writing, public speaking, conducting research and working in many other ways with students, practitioners, and the general public. Our work is integrative: each activity informs the others, and all draw upon (and draw together) the humanities, the arts, and the sciences. We seek to deepen our field's response to cultural diversity and to increase the diversity of those active within it. We are an educational resource for the university and the state, and for national as well as international audiences."

Center for Bioethics and Social Sciences in Medicine. “CBSSM -- Center for Bioethics and Social Sciences in Medicine.” Michigan State University, 2020.

  • "At CBSSM, we perform the basic and applied scientific research that will improve health care policy and practice to benefit patients and their families, health care providers, third-party payers, policy makers, and the general public. "

Center for Ethics and Technology. “Welcome | Center for Ethics and Technology.” Georgia Tech, 2021.

  • "The Center for Ethics and Technology at the Georgia Institute of Technology is dedicated to fostering a culture of critical inquiry and deliberation about ethical issues that arise in relation to technological systems. The Center has a special focus on helping members of the Georgia Tech campus and beyond to acquire tools for recognizing, analyzing and responding to ethical issues, ranging from matters of research ethics through decision making in professional contexts to consideration of the social and environmental implications of innovation. The Center serves the Georgia Tech community with outreach to alumni, the broader community in and around Atlanta, and scholars and institutions with similar goals around the world."

Center for Practical Bioethics. “Home.” Center for Practical Bioethics, ND.

  • "The Center for Practical Bioethics is a nonprofit, free-standing and independent organization nationally recognized for its work in practical bioethics. For more than 30 years, the Center has helped patients and their families, healthcare professionals, policymakers and corporate leaders grapple with difficult issues in healthcare and research involving patients. The Center does not wait to be called upon. Our vision and mission require us to be proactive — to call attention to ethical issues and to develop programs, policies and publications that address them. Through this unique approach, the Center puts “practical bioethics” into action. That’s why our motto is “Real Life. Real Issues. Real Time.”

DePauw University. “Prindle Institute for Ethics.” DePauw University, 2021.

  • "The Institute is a place for rigorous inquiry and probing discourse focused on the pivotal and inescapable ethical issues of the day. It helps students to examine their own values and to equip themselves with tools for critical thinking that are necessary not only for making a living but also for living in ethically significant ways. The Institute also encourages faculty members to develop new approaches in teaching ethics across disciplines and skills in focusing the insights that can emerge when diverse opinions and inputs are shared. In addition, the Institute advances the study and practice of ethics by supporting research by DePauw faculty members and visiting scholars."

Fordham University. “Center for Ethics Education | Fordham.” Fordham University, ND.

  • "Fordham University's Center for Ethics Education was established in 1999 to contribute to Fordham’s commitment to cultivating lifelong habits of critical thinking, moral reflection and articulate expression. Drawing upon the Jesuit traditions of sapientia et doctrina (wisdom and learning) and homines pro aliis (men and women for others) and the rich cultural diversity of New York City, the Center sponsors activities that provide students, faculty, professionals and the public with knowledge and skills to study, inform and shape a just society that nurtures the full-flourishing of all members of the human family."

Santa Clara University. “Markkula Center for Applied Ethics.” Santa Clara University, 2021.

  • "The Markkula Center for Applied Ethics engages individuals and organizations to make choices that respect and care for others.  In our focus areas—bioethics, business ethics, campus ethics, character education, government ethics, Internet ethics, journalism ethics, leadership ethics, and social sector ethics—we work with scholars and professionals to apply ethical ideas to the very real problems people encounter. We examine the obstacles to ethical action in many areas of our lives and develop tools to help people perform at their best."

University of Delaware. "Center for Science, Ethics & Public Policy.” University of Delaware, 2011.

  • "The purpose of the Center for SEPP is to integrate ethics and public policy inquiry with scientific research, the university curricula, private sector innovation, and government policy making. The Center provides a unique forum for academic and public discourse. It seeks to clarify questions of fact and value of pressing concern in scientific research; to enhance the dialogue between academic, corporate, and public interest stakeholders; to increase the synergies of public-private cooperation in areas of emerging technologies where there are significant ethical concerns; and to sustain in Delaware a unique center of national excellence to serve the public good."

University of Oxford. “Home | The Oxford Uehiro Centre for Practical Ethics.” University of Oxford, 2021.

  • "The goal of the Centre is to encourage and support debate and deeper rational reflection on practical ethics. The Centre as a whole will not promote a particular philosophy, approach, solution or point of view, though its individual members may give an argument to a substantive conclusion as a basis for dialogue, engagement and reflection. It is the method of rational analytic practical ethics that we aim to advance. The vision is Socratic, not missionary. We seek to be inclusive, encouraging debate between different approaches to ethics, aiming to resolve disagreements and identifying key areas of consensus. Practical ethics should not only advance knowledge by deeper, rational ethical reflection and dialogue, it should change people’s hearts and so better their own lives and the lives of others."

Uppsala University. “CRB - Centre for Research Ethics & Bioethics (CRB) - Uppsala University.” Uppsala University, ND.

  • "We are a multi-disicplinary research environment with senior and junior staff from ethics, philosophy, medicine, nursing, economics, law and other fields."

Utah Valley University. “Center for the Study of Ethics | Utah Valley University.” Utah Valley University, ND.

  • "The mission of the Center for the Study of Ethics (CSE) is to promote and facilitate the interdisciplinary exploration of ethical theory and practice. The center administers a variety of programs designed to advance ethics education at Utah Valley University, within our region and in national and international contexts. The CSE is a non-advocacy organization committed to the inclusion of diverse perspectives and practices."

Wake Forest University. "Bioethics at Wake Forest University - Home.” Wake Forest University, 2020.

  • "The Wake Forest University Center for Bioethics, Health, and Society is a collaborative intellectual space for addressing ethical, social, and policy issues of importance for biotechnology, health care, biomedical research, and public health. The Center brings together faculty, students, and staff from all disciplines across all WFU campuses and schools, and engages academic and public stakeholders locally, regionally, nationally, and internationally to advance research, education, and communication about bioethics issues."

Stanford Center for Biomedical Ethics. “Stanford Center for Biomedical Ethics (SCBE) - Stanford University School of Medicine.” Stanford Center for Biomedical Ethics, 2021.

  • "Established in 1989, the Stanford Center for Biomedical Ethics (SCBE) grew from the shared interests of medical school and campus faculty concerned with ethical issues in biomedical science and clinical medicine. Drs. Tom Raffin and Ernle Young (then Associate Dean of Memorial Church) joined forces to create SCBE; Dean David Korn appointed them Co-Directors of the new Center. Organized as an academic unit within the School of Medicine, the Center Co-Directors reported directly to the Dean of the School of Medicine. Korn also established a multi-disciplinary steering committee with University-wide representation to provide guidance to the Center's leadership and academic oversight. SCBE successfully attracted start-up operational support grants from the Walter and Elise Haas Fund and the Greenwall Foundation, which allowed SCBE to grow and gain prominence both on the Stanford campus and within the national bioethics and health policy communities."

The Center for Ethics in Science & Technology. “The Center for Ethics in Science & Technology.” The Center for Ethics in Science & Technology, 2021.

  • "The Ethics Center seeks to bridge the gap between science and the general public, thereby promoting scientific integrity, fostering science literacy, respect, and understanding, and enabling participants to make more informed decisions. The Ethics Center provides the San Diego community with knowledge, forums, and resources so that they can be part of thoughtful, unbiased conversation about how science is conducted and used."

Ethics Research Institute. “The Hastings Center - Ethics Research Institute.” The Hastings Center, ND.

  • "Founded in 1969, The Hastings Center is the world’s first bioethics research institute. It is a nonpartisan, nonprofit organization of research scholars from multiple disciplines, including philosophy, law, political science, and education. Our team includes other staff members with expertise in communications, publishing, and finance and a worldwide network of elected Fellows, an active board, and an advisory council. The Hastings Center and its scholars produce books, articles, and other publications on ethical questions in medicine, science, and technology that help inform policy, practice, and public understanding."

School of Population and Public Health . “The W. Maurice Young Centre for Applied Ethics.” University of British Columbia, ND.

  • "The W. Maurice Young Centre for Applied Ethics (the Centre) is an interdisciplinary research unit within the School of Population and Public Health at the University of British Columbia. The Centre was created in 1993 with endowments by W. Maurice Young (LLD) and the Bentall Foundation. The Centre’s affairs are managed by a Coordinating Committee representing faculty, students and research associates, chaired by the Director of the Centre. The Centre’s approach to other UBC academic and research units follows from our position as an interdisciplinary academic centre, and from our mission to advance the research agenda of applied ethics. A number of departments and units—including Animal Welfare, the Institute for Resources, Environment, and Sustainability, Nursing and Philosophy—have contributed outstanding students to the Centre, while our research and teaching/supervision now ties us to Medical Genetics, Law, Political Science, Journalism, Forestry, Botany and Computing Sciences. These relationships and the products of our collaborations place the Centre at the forefront of the movement to create “transdisciplinary” research."

UCLA Health Ethics Center. “UCLA Health Ethics Center, Los Angeles, CA.” UCLA, ND.

  • "The UCLA Health Ethics Center seeks to promote dialogue, inquiry and values clarification to address the many complex and compelling ethical concerns in healthcare today. By fostering the integration of ethical discussion and education as foundational practices, the Center hopes to sustain and cultivate an environment committed to respect, caring and fairness amongst all UCLA Health's endeavors. UCLA Health Ethics Center’s primary commitment is to the promotion of excellence in patient care and to be a resource for ethical reflection."

Yale Interdisciplinary Center for Bioethics. “Welcome | Yale Interdisciplinary Center for Bioethics.” Yale, 2021.

  • "Yale Interdisciplinary Center for Bioethics focuses its attention on bios or life, and the ways we have helped, broken and abused it. Our teaching and research program is broader than most bioethics programs’, and includes not only biomedical ethics but also environmental ethics, animal ethics, the ethics of scientific research, business and professional ethics, and ethics issues relating to new technologies."
Michelle Sullivan Govani. . Life and Environmental Science Ethics: Centers and Institutes with Online Ethics Resources. Online Ethics Center. DOI: