Unit Navigation and Essential Question


This page contains the unit navigation instructions for unit 6 of the Course on Genomics, Ethics and Society


How to Navigate this Unit

This unit has a number of different sections. An "Essential Question" is provided at the beginning; the idea is for you to bear this question in mind while you're going through all the material in this unit. The "Background" section provides an introduction to, and an overview of, key social and ethical issues raised by genomic therapies and the idea of genetic enhancement. (There's a separate unit specifically focusing on ideas about privacy.) The "Selected Issues In Depth" section examines some of these issues more closely, with film clips from experts in the field, one set of clips focusing on what genetic therapy is and why it's important; the second focusing on human and non-human enhancement, and the possible ethical issues this raises. The readings required and recommended to support this unit are available in the "Readings" folder. The Discussion section will be opened for you and your fellow students at the determined date for discussion in this section. There is also an assessed Case Study on Genetic Therapy and Enhancement. We also include an "Additional Resources" section, with links to other relevant information on genetic therapy and enhancement, including news stories, academic articles, videos and websites.

Unit 6 Essential Question

Can you define, or clearly explain the difference between what you consider acceptable genetic therapy or enhancement and that which you consider unacceptable or unethical?

Continue to Background

. . Unit Navigation and Essential Question. Online Ethics Center. DOI:. https://onlineethics.org/cases/unit-navigation-and-essential-question-1.