Ethics-Across-the-Curriculum, Ethics-in-the-Disciplines, and Cultivating Ethics Literacy
Join the Online Ethics Center for its second Spring event in the Bringing Ethics to the Conversation series, scheduled for April 5, 2021 at 12 p.m. EST. This webinar will feature Dr. Jonathan Beever, Assistant Professor of Ethics and Digital Culture and Director of the Center for Ethics at the University of Central Florida. He has published numerous articles and book chapters on a wide range of issues in ethics. Dr. Beever serves nationally as a member of the Editorial Board of the Online Ethics Center, the Ethics Committee for American Society for Engineering Education, as Secretary for the International Association for Environmental Philosophy, and as an editorial advisory board member for the Journal of Philosophy and Medicine.
By engaging in this discussion on ethics literacy, OEC community members will refine their understanding of approaches to ethics education, reflect on implications for these approaches at their own institution, and reimagine roles of inter- and trans-disciplinary expertise in cultivating ethics literacy.
Dr. Beever will be joined by Dr. Alison Kerr, senior researcher of leadership and ethical development at the National Center for Professional and Research Ethics (NCPRE). The webinar will be hosted by Dr. Rosalyn Berne, Director of the Online Ethics Center and Associate Professor of Science, Technology, and Society in UVA’s Department of Engineering and Society.