This group provides high-level oversight of the expansion of the OEC as it becomes the go-to online source for resources on ethics and ethics education in science and engineering. The Advisory Group also annually provides to the National Science Foundation a brief written evaluation of the project, considering and providing guidance on the following:
- project structure and processes
- evaluation plans
- participation and deliberation among the intended audiences
- plans for vetting materials added to the site
- areas and topics in need of resources
- promotion of the project and sustainability plans
- development of new site functionalities
- enhancement of the site’s look and branding.
Active Members
Philip E. Bourne
Dean, School of Data Science; Professor of Biomedical Engineering
University of Virginia
Charlottesville, VA, USA
Edward C. Carr
Compliance Officer
Siemens Corporation
Derrick Cogburn
Program Advisor
Derrick Cogburn is a Professor in the International Communication and International Development Programs at American University, with a joint appointment in the Department of Information Technology & Analytics in the Kogod School of Business. Additionally, he serves as the founding Executive Director of the AU Institute on Disability and Public Policy (IDPP), is Faculty Co-Director of the Internet Governance Lab (IGL), and is Director of COTELCO the Collaboration Laboratory.
Karin Ellison
Karin Ellison is a clinical professor in the School of Life Sciences at Arizona State University (ASU). As Co-PI of the current grant funding for the Online Ethics Center, she supports the development of webinars, forums, and other interactive components of the site and is overseeing depositing the OEC collection into the UVA digital repository, LibraOpen. At ASU, she is the director of the ethics program in the School of Life Sciences and Associate Director of the Center for Biology and Society.
Kelly Laas
Kelly Laas is the librarian for the Center for the Study of Ethics in the Professions at the Illinois Institute of Technology and a Co-PI of the current grant funding the Online Ethics Center. In this role, she develops bibliographies, teaching materials, and other resources for the OEC and manages the Ethics Education Library, a bibliographic database of articles, syllabi, ethics case studies, and other resources for teaching applied ethics in STEMM. As Center Librarian at Illinois Tech, she also works with faculty and instructors around the world in developing new ways to integrate ethics into their courses and runs the Ethics Codes Collection, the largest collection of ethical codes and guidelines in the world.
Mary Faith Marshall
Emily Davie and Joseph S. Kornfeld Professor and Director, Center for Health Humanities and Ethics Director, Program in Biomedical Ethics Professor, Department of Public Health Sciences School of Medicine, Professor, School of Nursing Professor, School of Law (University Faculty) University of Virginia
Charlottesville, VA, USA
Victoria Stodden
Associate Professor in the Department of Industrial and Applied Engineering
University of Southern California
Los Angeles, CA, USA
John Unsworth
Dean of Libraries and University Librarian
University of Virginia
Charlottesville, VA, USA
Stephanie J. Bird
Ethics Consultant
Science and Engineering Ethics Journal
Wrentham, MA, USA
Felice J. Levine
Executive Director
American Educational Research Association
Washington, DC, USA
Michael C. Loui
Professor Emeritus of Electrical and Computer Engineering
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Urbana, IL, USA
Carl Mitcham
Professor Emeritus, Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences
Colorado School of Mines
International Distinguished Professor of Philosophy of Technology
Renmin University of China
In Memorium
W. Carl Lineberger 1939 - 2023
E.U. Condon Distinguished Professor of Chemistry and Fellow of JILA
University of Colorado
Boulder, CO, USA