Excerpt from Letter to Reader's Digest from Carson


A paraphrase of an excerpt from the letter Rachel Carson sent to <cite>Reader's Digest</cite> in 1945 offering to write an article about the dangers of DDT:


The following is a paraphrase of an excerpt from the letter Rachel Carson sent to Reader's Digest in 1945 offering to write an article about the dangers of DDT:

The experiments at Patuxent have been planned to show what effects DDT may have if applied to wide areas: how it will affect insects, waterfowl, or birds that depend on insect food, and whether the use of DDT may upset the whole delicate balance of nature * (Stwertka, p. 37).

Anonymous. . Excerpt from Letter to Reader's Digest from Carson. Online Ethics Center. DOI:https://doi.org/10.18130/s026-b268. https://onlineethics.org/cases/excerpt-letter-readers-digest-carson.