Excerpt from Letter That Prevented Reader's Digest from Publishing Pesticide Article


A letter from Rachel Carson to the editor of Reader's Digest.


In 1958 Carson found out about an article that the Reader's Digest was about to publish. It was dealing with the benefits of aerial spraying. She wrote to DeWitt Wallace, the magazine's editor-in-chief, telling him of the danger, both to wildlife and to public health, in the projects for insect control by poisons, especially when distributed by airplanes * (Graham, p. 17). By documenting her case, Carson was able to convince Wallace not to publish the article.

Anonymous. . Excerpt from Letter That Prevented Reader's Digest from Publishing Pesticide Article. Online Ethics Center. DOI:https://doi.org/10.18130/q577-3266. https://onlineethics.org/cases/excerpt-letter-prevented-readers-digest-publishing-pesticide-article.