NIEES Energy Ethics Background Readings Bibliography


This lists the background readings for the National Institute on Energy Ethics, and Society (NIEES) held at Arizona State University in April 2013.


Energy Systems and Energy Policy

  1. Byrne, J., Martinez, C. and Ruggero C. (2009) Relocating energy in the social commons: Ideas for a sustainable energy utility. Bulletin of Science Technology & Society, 29:81.
  2. Chow, J., Kopp, R. J., & Portney, P. R. (2003). Energy resources and global development. Science302(5650), 1528-1531.
  3. Kerr, R. A. (2010). Do we have the energy for the next transition?. Science, 329(5993), 780-781.
  4. Long, J. (2008). A blind man’s guide to energy policy. Issues in Science and Technology, Winter, 2008.
  5. Pacala, S., & Socolow, R. (2004). Stabilization wedges: solving the climate problem for the next 50 years with current technologies. Science305(5686), 968-972.

Energy Ethics

  1. Cortese, A. (2012). Promises made and promises lost: A candid assessment of higher education leadership and the sustainability agenda. In The sustainable university: Green goals and new challenges for higher education leaders. Johns Hopkins University Press, Chapter 2, pp. 17-31.
  2. Graffy, E. (2012). Agrarian ideals, sustainability ethics, and US policy: A critique for practitioners, Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics, 25(4): 503
  3. Harrison, C. & Popke, J. (2011) Because you got to have heat: The networked assemblage of energy poverty in eastern North Carolina. Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 101:4, 949-961.
  4. Herkert, J. R., & Banks, D. A. (2012). I Have Seen the Future! Ethics, Progress, and the Grand Challenges for Engineering. International Journal of Engineering, Social Justice, and Peace1(2), 109-122.
  5. Herkert, J. (1994). Ethical risk assessment: Valuing public perceptions. IEEE Technology and Society Magazine, Spring Issue.
  6. Jamieson, D. (2010). Climate change, responsibility, and justice. Science and Engineering Ethics16(3), 431-445.
  7. Laird, F. (2012). Implied ethics in energy policies and institutions. Prepared for the Energy Ethics in Science and Engineering Education Project, National Academy of Engineering.
  8. Mitcham, C. & Rolston, J. (2013). Energy constraints. Prepared for the Energy Ethics in Science and Engineering Education Project, National Academy of Engineering, Working Draft. 
  9. Miller, C. (2012). Energy justice: Ensuring human dignity in the post-carbon future. The Cairo Review of Global Affairs, Spring Issue, 2012.
  10. Newberry, B. (2010). Katrina: Macro-ethical issues for engineers. Science and Engineering Ethics: 16(3), 535-571.

 Fossil Fuels

  1. Boesch, D. (2012). Deep-water drilling remains a risky business. Nature: International Weekly Journal of Science484(7394).
  2. Bipartisan Policy Center. (2012). Shale Gas: New Opportunities, New Challenges, January, 2012.
  3. Burleson, E. (2013) Cooperative federalism and hydraulic fracturing: A human right to a clean environment. Cornell Journal of Law and Public Policy, 22:101
  4. Mooney, C. (2011). The truth about fracking. Scientific American305(5), 80-85.
  5. Schrope, M. (2011). Deep wounds. Nature472(7342), 152-154.

 Nuclear Power

  1. Bhadra, M. (2012). India’s nuclear power problem: Rising voices for technology with accountability. The Cairo Review of Global Affairs, Spring Issue, 2012.
  2. Bradford, P. (2012). Energy policy: The nuclear landscape. Nature483(7388), 151-152.
  3. Brumfiel, G., & Fuyuno, I. (2012). Japan's nuclear crisis: Fukushima's legacy of fear. Nature483(7388), 138.
  4. Peplow, M. (2011). Chernobyl's legacy. Nature471(7340), 562-565.
  5. Perrow, C. (2011). Fukushima and the inevitability of accidents. Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists67(6), 44-52.
  6. Rosa, E. A., Tuler, S. P., Fischhoff, B., et al. (2010). Nuclear waste: knowledge waste?. Science329(5993), 762-763.

Renewable Energy

  1. Barry, J., Ellis, G. & Robinson, C. (2008) Cool rationalities and hot air: A rhetorical approach to understanding debates on renewable energy. Global Environmental Politics 8(2): 67-98.
  2. Cho, A. (2010). Energy's tricky tradeoffs. Science329(5993), 786-787.
  3. Kintisch, E. (2010). Out of site. Science329(5993), 788-789.
  4. Laird, F. (2000). A full-court press for renewable energy. Issues in Science and Technology, Winter, 2009.
  5. Tilman, D., Socolow, R., Foley, J. A., et al. (2009). Beneficial biofuels—the food, energy, and environment trilemma. Science325(5938), 270-271.
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