Safe Science: Promoting a Culture of Safety in Academic Chemical Research


This report examines the culture of safety in research institutions and makes recommendations for university leadership, laboratory researchers, and environmental health and safety professionals to support safety as a core value of their institutions. The report discusses ways to fulfill that commitment through prioritizing funding for safety equipment and training, as well as making safety an ongoing operational priority. A strong, positive safety culture arises not because of a set of rules but because of a constant commitment to safety throughout an organization. Such a culture supports the free exchange of safety information, emphasizes learning and improvement, and assigns greater importance to solving problems than to placing blame. High importance is assigned to safety at all times, not just when it is convenient or does not threaten personal or institutional productivity goals.

Read Safe Science: Promoting a Culture of Safety in Academic Chemical Research

. . Safe Science: Promoting a Culture of Safety in Academic Chemical Research. Online Ethics Center. DOI: