Infusing Ethics into the Development of Engineers: Exemplary Education Activities and Programs


Ethical practice in engineering is critical for ensuring public trust in the field and in its practitioners, especially as engineers increasingly tackle international and socially complex problems that combine technical and ethical challenges. This report aims to raise awareness of the variety of exceptional programs and strategies for improving engineers' understanding of ethical and social issues and provides a resource for those who seek to improve ethical development of engineers at their own institutions. This publication presents 25 activities and programs that are exemplary in their approach to infusing ethics into the development of engineering students. It is intended to serve as a resource for institutions of higher education seeking to enhance their efforts in this area. More information, and links to the actual teaching materials can be found in the NAE Exemplars in Engineering Education collection

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Anonymous. . Infusing Ethics into the Development of Engineers: Exemplary Education Activities and Programs. Online Ethics Center. DOI: