Proceedings for Workshop on Overcoming Challenges to Infusing Ethics into the Development of Engineers


On January 11–12, 2017, the National Academy of Engineering’s Center for Engineering Ethics and Society (CEES) held a workshop designed to help the engineering community identify institutional and cultural challenges to instilling ethics in engineering programs and to develop approaches, programs, strategies, and collaborations to overcome those challenges. The workshop was a follow-on activity to the 2016 CEES report Infusing Ethics into the Development of Engineers: Exemplary Education Activities and Programs.  this workshop convened current and emerging leaders in ethics and engineering who are working to improve the ethical development of engineering students. Attendees shared their work, experiences, and lessons learned; discussed strategies for overcoming institutional and cultural challenges; and developed plans and collaborations for advancing efforts to infuse ethics into the development of engineers. Formal sessions reviewed effective practice and scholarship on creating cultural, institutional, and pedagogical change. This publication summarizes the presentations and discussions from the workshop.

Read Proceedings for Workshop on Overcoming Challenges to Infusing Ethics into the Development of Engineers.

Anonymous. . Proceedings for Workshop on Overcoming Challenges to Infusing Ethics into the Development of Engineers. Online Ethics Center. DOI: