Watershed Changes to American Society of Civil Engineers Code of Ethics

Male structural engineer leading team

Part of the "Bringing Ethics into the Conversation" series, this webinar featured Dr Steven Starrett and Dr Carlos Bertha, who both worked to reform the American Society of Civil Engineers’ (ASCE) Code of Ethics. By merging ethical theory and practical, real-world cases, Dr Starrett and Dr Bertha discussed why this new code of ethics is a “watershed moment” in engineering ethics. The webinar was hosted by Dr Rosalyn Berne, Director of the Online Ethics Center and Associate Professor of Science, Technology, and Society in UVA’s Department of Engineering and Society.    


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Steve Starrett, Carlos Bertha. . Watershed Changes to American Society of Civil Engineers Code of Ethics. Online Ethics Center. DOI:https://doi.org/10.18130/11ea-bj52. https://onlineethics.org/cases/oec-webinars/watershed-changes-american-society-civil-engineers-code-ethics.