About the Resources for Research Ethics Education Collection
About the Resources for Research Education collection, including profiles of the authors and history of the website.
- Introduction
- Topics
- Educational Settings
Descriptions of educational settings, including in the classroom, and in research contexts.
- Discussion Tools
- About the RCREC
Information about the history and authors of the Resources for Research Ethics Collection
The Resources for Research Ethics Education was originally developed and maintained by Dr. Michael Kalichman, Director of the Research Ethics Program at the University of California San Diego. The site was included as part of the Online Ethics Center in 2021 with the permission of the author. The mission of this project is to promote best practices and evidence-based education in research ethics (responsible conduct of research, RCR).
Mark Appelbaum, 2010
Psychology, UC San Diego
Michael Kalichman, 1999-2010
Research Ethics Program, UC San Diego
OEC Profile
Dena Plemmons, 2005-2010
Research Ethics Program, UC San Diego
OEC Profile
Karen Rook, 2009-2010
Psychology and Social Behavior, UC Irvine
Ruth Bulger, 2009
Sara Burke, 2003-2005
Allison Chamberlain, 2008
Mary Devereaux, 2003
P.D. Magnus, 2003-2004
Camille Nebeker, 2008
Carole Roth, 2002
History of the Project
1999: With initial funding from the Office of Research Integrity, the first national online resource for teaching responsible conduct of research (RCR) was established at UC San Diego.
2002: Based on the support of the newly established Responsible Conduct of Research Education Consortium (RCREC), the project continued at UC San Diego as a resource of the RCREC.
2005: Following the move of the RCREC to the Association for Practical and Professional Ethics, this resource remained at UC San Diego, but was shifted to a new URL.
2009: As the RCREC mission refocused, this project is once again managed solely at UC San Diego by the Research Ethics Program.
2021: The contents of the RCREC was updated and made a part of the Online Ethics Center, with permission of the project directors.