Building an ‘Ethics Spine’ into Biomedical Engineering Curriculum at Arizona State University


This project summarizes an on-going initiative to systematically integrate ethics into the biomedical engineering undergraduate program at Arizona State University. The project aims to develop student capacity and confidence to grapple with a range of ethics-related issues.


The OEC Project Pages are intended to cultivate a community of practice and allow ethics researchers, educators, and practitioners to more effectively disseminate their work. This Project Page provides a detailed overview and relevant resources for an on-going science or engineering ethics project. Once you've explored this project, visit the "Projects" section under "Resources" to see more ethics projects.


The undergraduate biomedical engineering program at Arizona State University offers a 4-year B.S.E. degree. Approximately 850 students are currently enrolled in this program, which is taught by about 30 faculty. The core objective of this initiative is to ensure more systematic integration of ethics into the curriculum, and to develop student capacity and confidence to grapple with a range of ethics-related issues.


Emma Frow
School of Biological and Health Systems Engineering
School for the Future of Innovation in Society
Arizona State University

Stephen Helms Tillery
School of Biological and Health Systems Engineering
Arizona State University

Jerry Coursen
School of Biological and Health Systems Engineering
Arizona State University

James Abbas
School of Biological and Health Systems Engineering
Arizona State University

Recipient Organization

Arizona State University

Start and End Date

January 2017-ongoing

Contact Information

Emma Frow (

Publications, Presentations, and Other Products

Frow, E., Abbas, J., Coursen, J. & Helms Tillery, S. “Growing a backbone: Building an ‘Ethics Spine’ into a   4-year biomedical engineering curriculum,” American Society for Engineering Education – Pacific Southwest Section, ASU, 20-22 April 2017 [Poster + Poster Abstract].

Attached Resources

  1. Growing a Backbone: Building an ‘Ethics Spine’ into a 4-year Biomedical Engineering Curriculum (Abstract)
  2. Growing a Backbone: Building an ‘Ethics Spine’ into a 4-year Biomedical Engineering Curriculum (Poster)
Emma Frow, Stephen Helms Tillery, Jerry Coursen, James Abbas. . Building an ‘Ethics Spine’ into Biomedical Engineering Curriculum at Arizona State University. Online Ethics Center. DOI: