Climate Change in the News Bibliography


This page contains a collection of news articles that call attention to the issues surrounding climate change, engineered systems and society. They begin with articles about the 2011 flooding in the midwest.

  • FACT SHEET: Taking Action to Support State, Local, and Tribal Leaders as They Prepare Communities for the Impacts of Climate Change

To support communities in need of a more resilient infrastructure that can withstand impacts like more extreme weather and increased flooding, President Obama is responding to guidance from governors, mayors, county and tribal officials who are proven leaders in helping their communities prepare for climate impacts. The President established the State, Local, and Tribal Leaders Task Force on Climate Preparedness and Resilience last November to advise him on how the Federal government can best respond to the needs of communities nationwide already dealing with the impacts of climate change, and has announced a series of actions to respond to the Task Force’s early feedback.

  • Increasing Risks + Declining Trust = More Risk?

This article by Michael Svoboda appeared in the December 23, 2013 edition of The YALE forum on Climate Change and the Media. It discusses the difficulties of communicating climate risks in a challenging political climate and reports on the 33rd annual meeting of the Society for Risk Analysis (SRA).

  • Green at Corporate Headquarters...But Brown in Washington?

This article by Lisa Palmer from the May 15, 2013 issue of the YALE Forum on Climate Change & the Media asks the question, "How do large corporations positioning themselves as leaders in environmental sustainability handle differences with their Washington trade associations’ opposition to climate and energy policies to cut carbon emissions?"

  • Looking Back to See Forward: Top Climate Change Stories of 2012

Author: Lisa Palmer January 9, 2013, the YALE forum on Climate Change & the Media. A look back on a landmark study, weird weather, Greenland’s ice sheet melt, and other highlights that shaped climate change science news last year.

  • Adaptation: How can cities be “climate-proofed”?

This article by Eric Klineberg appeared in the New Yorker on Jan. 7, 2013. It discusses the work of cities to protect people, businesses, and critical infrastructure against weather-related calamities.

  • Business As Usual No Longer Viable for Managing U.S. Army Corps Water Infrastructure

News release posted on October 4th, 2012 by News from the National Academies. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers faces an “unsustainable situation” in maintaining its national water projects at acceptable levels of performance, says a new report from the National Research Council. The report suggests expanding revenues and strengthening partnerships among the private and public sectors as options to manage the Corps’ aging water infrastructure, which includes levees and dams.

  • Weather Extremes Leave Parts of U.S. Grid Buckling

This article by Matthew L. Wald and John Schwartz appeared on the front page of the New York Times in July of 2012. It describes how extreme weather is taxing the U.S. infrastructure.

  • Will Politicians Actually Heed the Lessons of Sandy?

An essay by Clark A. Miller that describes the vulnerabilities of the US infrastructure to dramatic climate events such as the destructive hurricane that overpowered New York City. Miller discusses the role that politics will play in addressing similar events in the future.

  • The Social Cost of Carbon: How to Do the Math?

New York Times Green Blog post by Joanna M. Foster on how to calculate the costs of carbon and the impacts of climate change on future generations.

  • Drought Parches Over Half of U.S.

"If this year's dry, hot spell has decimated agriculture, it also has strained the steel, asphalt, and other engineered parts of the nation’s infrastructure."

  • Global Warming Makes Heat Waves More Likely, Study Finds

An article by Justin Gillis, Published: July 10, 2012 in the New York Times. It describes a study published by the American Meteorological Society that reviews the likelihood of specific extreme weather events due to human-induced climate change.

  • Climate Change Threatens Power Output, Study Says

New York Times Green Blog post by Matthew L. Wald, June 4, 2012, reporting on an article in the journal Nature Climate Change.

  • Survey: Latin American and Asian Cities Lead Way in Planning for Global Warming

June 5, 2012 article from MIT news, written by Peter Dizikes. It surveys cities' planning for Global Warming, describing that Latin American and Asian cities lead the way, while U.S. cities trail.

  • NPR, AP Correspondents: Useful Climate, Fracking Metaphors

"An NPR correspondent and an Associated Press Latin America reporter, working on separate and unrelated stories, have come up with useful metaphors to help audiences envision climate change-related news developments."

  • A Medical Metaphor for Climate Risk, Including the Risk of Overreaction

This Opinion page by Andrew Revkin appeared in the New York Times on October 4, 2011. Included are lots of links to psychological studies about human behavior and the role that plays in the framing of the climate change conversation. The piece is a discussion of Paul Stern’s recent article (included) on "Contributions of Psychology to Limiting Climate Change."

  • Engineers can build a low-carbon world if we let them

An opinion piece in New Scientist about the intersection between engineering and politics in searching for carbon-emission solutions.

  • Nuclear Safety in the Spotlight

This article from POWERnews describes some of the challenges to safety from nuclear power plants in the way of floods, fires, earthquakes and tsunamis.

  • In the Flood Zone, but Astonished by High Water

This New York Times article describes the disbelief and lack of concern that many residents of flood-prone areas feel despite warnings of potential flooding.

  • Struggling To Contain A Rising Mississippi

This NPR, Science Friday interview with Ira Flatow discusses the 2011 flooding along the banks of the Mississippi river. It touches on numerous issues surrounding climate change, engineered systems, social justice, governance and public trust.

  • Some Good News (and Plenty of Bad) in NRC Abrupt Climate Change Report

Abrupt climate change — and also associated abrupt ecological and economic impacts sometimes triggered by more gradual climate change — gets a renewed look from a National Research Council science panel, which recommends development of an ‘early warning system.’ Article by Bud Ward in the December 5, 2013 issue of The Yale Forum on Climate Change in the Media.

  • AAAS Panelists: Sandy a ‘Game-changer’ for Public Perceptions

This article by AAAS's Jennifer Weeks appeared in the YALE forum on CLIMATE CHANGE & THE MEDIA on February 20, 2013. It describes the discussion between journalists and climate scientists at a recent AAAS panel and their impressions of a shift in public attitudes toward climate change.

  • Online Discussions on Good and Not-So-Good Climate Reporting

This article by Michael Svoboda appeared in the YALE forum on Climate Change & The Media on February 20, 2013. It highlights two recent discussions of media coverage of climate change and concerns about current methods of climate reporting.

  • FEMA Flood Zone Maps Make Case for Climate Resiliency

An article by Lisa Palmer in the January 30, 2013 Yale Forum on Climate Change & the Media. "New Jersey Governor Chris Christie’s advice to coastal property owners to elevate their homes or face higher insurance premiums is a harbinger of more things likely to come."

  • Having Citizen Action ‘Match the Scope of the Problem’

An article by Sara Peach in the January 30, 2013 Yale Forum on Climate Change & the Media. "Should climate activists tell people to take shorter showers, get arrested — or both? Avoiding just a ‘piddly’ response to a ‘We’re doomed!’ message."

  • Native Americans and a Changing Climate

This article by Julie Halpert appeared on the YALE forum on Climate Change & the Media, June 21, 2012. "They’re among North America’s most vulnerable population groups, and their 95 million acres of tribal lands present Native Americans with a complex array of challenges and opportunities as they confront a warming climate."

  • Limited Coverage: Climate Change and the Insurance Industry

An article by John Wihbey in the YALE forum on Climate Change & the Media, June 6, 2012.
"Forecasts for more unpredictable and more extreme weather patterns have some insurers increasingly factoring climate change evidence into their actuarial tables."

  • The Ethics of Geoengineering (Pt. 2)

The second of a two-part series by David Appell in the YALE forum on Climate Change & the Media (Dec. 19, 2012). This article, "introduces some of the ethical questions being raised about potential attempts to deliberately alter Earth’s properties to combat global climate change."

  • The Ethics of Geoengineering (Pt. 1)

This is the first of a two-part series by David Appell in the YALE forum on Climate Change & the Media (Dec. 13, 2012). It discusses some of the geoengineering ideas and issues now current in climate science discussions.

Anonymous. . Climate Change in the News Bibliography. Online Ethics Center. DOI: