Unit 3 - Genomics and Crops


This is the third unit in an extensive Course on Genomics, Ethics and, Society. This unit (3) deals specifically with ethical issues raised by genomics in the context of  genetics and crops. Units 1-7 each last approximately 2 weeks, and Unit 8 contains the final case study.


Authors: Clare Palmer, Penny Riggs, T.J.Kasperbauer, Jeremy Johnson at Texas A&M University, College Station and Lauren Cifuentes, Seung Won Park and Jaime McQueen at Texas A&M University - Corpus Christi.

Claire Palmer, Penny Riggs, T.J. Kasperbauer, Jeremy Johnson, Lauren Cifuentes, Seung Won Park, Jamie McQueen. . Unit 3 - Genomics and Crops. Online Ethics Center. DOI:. https://onlineethics.org/cases/genomics-ethics-and-society-course/unit-3-genomics-and-crops.