Undergraduate Discussion Rubric


This rubric can be used for guiding undergraduate discussions for the course "Genomics, Ethics, and Society."

Levels of Achievement
Criteria Unsatisfactory Satisfactory Excellent
Writing Quality
0.3 Points
Utilizes poor spelling and grammar in most posts; posts appear "hasty"
0.6 Points
Few grammatical or spelling errors are noted in posts
1 Points
Consistently uses grammatically correct posts with rare misspellings
Relevance and Clarity of Post
0.3 Points
Posts topics which do not relate to the discussion content; Does not express opinions or ideas clearly; Makes irrelevant remarks
0.6 Points
Occasionally posts topics that are unrelated to discussion content or miss the main point; Opinions and ideas are somewhat unclear
1 Points
Consistently posts topics related to discussion topic; Gets to the heart of the matter; Expresses opinions and ideas in a clear and concise manner
Contribution to the Learning Community
0.3 Points
Posts an initial entry on the first day but does not respond to others’ ideas; Expresses ideas in a somewhat hostile manner
0.6 Points
Posts an initial entry on the first day and responds to others’ ideas throughout the discussion; May occasionally lack collegiality
1 Points
Posts an initial entry on the first day and responds to others’ ideas throughout the discussion; Expresses ideas collegially
Knowledge and Understanding of Course Content
0.3 Points
Does not show understanding of course material and readings; Understanding lacks both breadth and depth
0.6 Points
Understanding of course material and readings and lectures is imprecise or shallow; Understanding lacks either breadth or depth
1 Points
Demonstrates accurate understanding of course material and readings; Understanding is both broad and deep
Critical Thinking
0.3 Points
Arguments are poorly structured and incoherent; Does not attempt to substantiate claims with evidence; Does not engage critically with the issues
0.6 Points
Arguments occasionally or partially lack structure or coherence; Some unsubstantiated claims; Critical engagement with the issues lacks depth
1 Points
Develops systematic and logical arguments; Substantiates claims with evidence; Shows deeper critical engagement with the issues
. . Undergraduate Discussion Rubric. Online Ethics Center. DOI:. https://onlineethics.org/cases/undergraduate-discussion-rubric.